
Design Inspiration from Nature

Thanks to a faithful reader for reminding me about the loveliness of blooming Jacaranda trees. In Southern California, these purpley flowering trees are a botanic harbinger of summer. They line so many streets in our neighborhood that the skies appear to have produced lavender snow. Will someone please build me a Jacaranda flower snowman with a tulip nose and poppy eyes and a celosia mouth?

With the abundance of purple in the natural world this time of year, I've been inspired to add a touch of lavender to my rooms. If you aren't a fan of pink (which defies explanation), a bit of purple in a room is a nice feminine touch without shifting into full-on girly mode. Who knows, husbands might even dig purple (especially Lakers fans husbands)?
Images borrowed from DecorPad.


  1. Beautiful photo of the jacarandas, Pink Frenchie! As an girl from the East coast, I always thought of this time of year in Los Angeles as magical.

  2. Love "jacaranda season" in California.
    It's a prelude to our hot summers, a last breath of spring.

  3. A gorgeous canopy of lavender . . . I LOVE this photo, Pink Frenchie.


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