
Love Letters

Remember the first Sex and the City movie (i.e., the good one)?  Remember when Carrie pulls out her old, smelly New York Public Library book called Love Letters of Great Men, Volume 1? I declare we need more old fashioned love letters.  
I don't know about you, but when I think of the most romantic things I've ever seen, most of them have appeared on the screen or on the page.  Real life sometimes just doesn't afford us time and energy for  real romance.  
Maybe technology has exempted us from taking the time to pause and carefully construct our thoughts about our loved one.  This Valentine's day, I'm going to take a little moment to try and write a "can't live without you" love letter to my beloved.   On paper.  With ink.  Seal with a kiss. 

1 comment:

  1. I HEART Pink Frenchie
    who inspires me
    to celebrate the petits plaisirs
    that make life beautiful.


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